Swimcloud, as an online platform whose data is accessible to all types of users from swimmers, and parents, to coaches, and recruiters, goes to great lengths to ensure that certain data is only available to certain consumers at certain times.
It's important to understand how Swimcloud keeps meet entry data private to protect competitive meet entries from opposing coaches. Below is a listing of Swimcloud user types as well as what they can "see" and when throughout the lifecycle of a meet.
Meet Administrators
Meet Administrators have access to see all aspects of every team's entries at any time during the life cycle of a meet.
If you are a Meet Administrator, and the meet requires "blind" entries, here's how to do that: How to be a Meet Administrator and not see entries.
Coach Attending The Meet
A coach of a team attending a meet that is using Swimcloud for entries can only see their team's entries until either the entry deadline passes, or the psyche sheet becomes available. These timelines are established by the Meet Administrator and are controlled in the RULES tab of the meet:
However, an attending coach can see a Top-Times listing of every swimmer, on every team in the meet by event. This is simply a Top-Times list. It is not entries. And it is not a psyche sheet.
Click on an event, then, click on Top-Times.
Only after the entry deadline passes, or, the time and date of the publication for the psyche sheet passes, can attending coaches see any data. The psyche sheet (Entry List), or heat and lane assignments if the meet is seeded on Swimcloud. If the meet isn't seeded on Swimcloud, you will see a psyche sheet only.
Public, Swimmers, and Coaches not attending the meet - College Recruiters
A Swimcloud registered coach or Swimcloud collegiate recruiter will only be able Top-Time and Top-Team information for the teams and swimmers attending the meet before the entry and psyche sheet publication deadline.
After the entry and psyche sheet polishing deadline passes, this is what these Swimcloud users will see: