To ensure your official meet results are added automatically to your profile, Swimcloud requires the full set of official results from the meet, including all participating teams. This helps us provide accurate records for the swimmers and teams. This document outlines the types of files we accept and how you can submit them. Once we receive the complete results, Swimcloud will begin processing them immediately. If your results do not appear within 24 hours, our team will investigate and complete the processing within the day.
- File Types
- Submit With Hy-Tek's Meet Manager
- Submit WIth SwimCloud Meet Manager
- Submit Using Email
- Upload Result File To Swimcloud
File Types
Results files must contain results from ALL teams that participated in a meet. Single-team result files will not be accepted. We accept the following file types:
- Active Hy-Tek’s Meet Manager - (Zipped .cl2 and .sd3 files)
- Team Unify’s TouchPad - (.sd3)
- SwimTopia’s Meet Maestro - (Zipped .sd3)
- Lenex Meet Manager (.len)
- Splash’s Meet Manager (.xml)
We cannot accept:
- PDF Files
- HTML Files
- Meet Manager Backups
- Screen Shots from the DeckPass App (Seriously, we've seen it.)
Submit with SwimCloud Meet Manager
If you are using Swimcloud's Meet Manager your results will automatically be submitted to Swimcloud. This is the easiest way to submit results.
Submit with Meet Manager 7.0
If you are using Active Hy-Tek's Meet Manager 7.0 or higher you can upload results directly to SwimCloud. Simply select "Export to SwimCloud" from the File menu and your results will be submitted.
Caution About Result Files With Diving
If your meet contains diving, please do not submit result files through this direct Meet Manager upload. The number of dives and the diving scores is contained in Meet Manager's .hy3 file which only gets created by exporting the complete zipped result file.
Submit via Email
If you don't have Meet Manager or are using another program such as Team Unify's TouchPad, Splash's Meet Manager or Lenex Meet Manager, you can e-mail the result files to us. Please note, we cannot process PDF documents, HTML files, links or Meet Manager Backup files.
Upload a Result File To Swimcloud
You can upload a result to Swimcloud, or directly to the meet on Swimcloud. Here's an article that details how to upload a result file directly to a meet.