After a meet, registered Swimcloud coaches can export a result file for their team that can be imported into your team management software. To do this. you will first need to be logged in, then:
If you are the visiting team
- Select the meet you want to export results for
- Click on the three dots in the upper right-hand corner
- Select "Export Hy-Tek" or "Export MaxPreps"
- Select where you would like the file exported
- This file contains only your team's results
If you are the home team
- Select the meet you want to export results for
- Click on the "Files" tab
- Select "Export Hy-Tek" or "Export MaxPreps"
- Select where you would like the file exported
- This file contains results for all of the teams in the meet
Note - this functionality is only available to registered Swimcloud coaches users during the current season.