Important: Please refer to the Time Drops Quickstart Guide for detailed instructions on setting up the Time Drops System. The following steps assume that the Time Drops system is already configured and connected to the same network as the Swimcloud Meet computer.
1. Download and Install Swimcloud Meet
- Begin by downloading and installing the Swimcloud Meet software on your computer.
2. Log Into Swimcloud Meet
- Open Swimcloud Meet and log in using your credentials.
3. Select and Open Your Meet
- From the dashboard, select the meet you are going to run and open it.
4. Access the Timing System Settings
- In the upper right-hand corner of the screen, click on the Time System button.
5. Choose Time Drops and Select the Folder
- Click on the Time Drops option.
- Click the Select folder button.
- Navigate to the shared folder on your computer or network that will receive the race data from the Time Drops system and select that folder.
6. Export the Meet Program
- After selecting the folder, click the Export meet program button. This action exports all pertinent swimmer, heat, and lane data to the Time Drops system.
- Once the export is complete, a message will appear in the lower-left corner of the screen.
- If you make any changes to the meet after you export the meet program, you will need to export the meet program again so that the changes can be reflected in Time Drops.
7. Set Up the Scoreboard
- Click on the Scoreboard button in the upper right corner of the screen.
- In the bottom of this dialogue box, enter the IP address of the Time Drops console. You can find this information in the Time Drops MM-Link program under Instant Scoreboard. The format will be similar to
. Enter the IP address (the numbers to the right of the//
and left of the:
) into the box.
8. Verify Connection and Select Scoreboard Display
- Once the scoreboard is connected, a green dot will appear next to the Scoreboard button in the upper right corner of the screen.
- From this screen, you can select from three display options on the scoreboard: Live Heat, Team Scores, or Event Results.
9. Run the Meet
- Follow Swimcloud Meet’s standard procedures to run the meet.