There are two ways to set up an event list and run a co-ed swim meet.
Does the meet need separate scoring for boys and girls?
- If yes, you should set up an event list with different events for boys and girls. Boys and girls will be seeded separately and will not swim together in the same event.
- If not, you could set up an event list as "Mixed" gender. In this scenario, boys and girls will swim together in the same events and heats and will be scored together. Swimcloud will parse the results of meets with mixed events and assign the times to swimmers for use for subsequent meet entries.
Roster accuracy
Your swimmer's gender needs to be accurate in your Roster, whether you use Swimcloud for your Team Manager or another platform. For example, if girls are allowed to participate on your boy's team, please make sure that the swimmer is marked as a girl on your roster. Doing so will allow Swimcloud to match results to the swimmer properly in meets setup according to the directions above.
Swimcloud Event List Setup - EVENTS Tab
Hy-Tek Meet Manager Mixed Events
If you insist on entering girls as boys, or vice versa, in your team's roster, you risk creating duplicate swimmer profiles. Also, your swimmer's times who is not entered correctly won't show up in the right top-times list on Swimcloud.